Are you tired of reading self-help books about anxiety management that do not help? Have you been in therapy for years without any sustainable benefits? Are you afraid of dependence on psychiatric medications knowing you are hurting but do not have a serious psychiatric condition? These are scenarios that I see everyday in my practice from real people who have tried every kind of help and still feel like something is missing, and they are not living up to their potential. Our cultural obsession with food types, eating habits, supplements, exotic exercises etc also drive many of us to the marketplace of these products looking for newest and most talked about practices, only to be replaced by another trendy practice days, weeks or months later.
I believe the problem at its core is about looking outside of ourselves for inner peace, serenity and health. Of course counselling, psychotherapy, medical interventions, change of diet, and proper forms of exercise etc are helpful and even necessary at certain periods. What we often miss is that being present to our soul vitality and awareness of the body in its fullness is an essential healing process for good health. Our cultural bias of mind/body dualism mistakenly relegates psychological or inner problems to a different realm than what goes on in our physical beings.
I have found that a system of holistic care guided by a trusted coach can be enormously empowering in initiating a self-healing and self-growth process. Fortunately the process is not space or time dependent: Its benefits can be received via telework methods. The ultimate source of change is methodical attentiveness to mind/body/spirit processes encoded within our 'subtle' physical experiences. For more information please visit
67.4% of my patients have an addiction to porn. OK, I made up the precise statistic to get your attention; I just meant a significant subgroup! Pornography activates the novelty-seeking pathways in...
My clinical background as a psychiatrist started in treating addiction disorders. I was attracted to this field because it acknowledges the biological, psychological, social, and spiritual contex...