Turbulent times lead to strong emotions

Turbulent times lead to strong emotions

4 years ago

It's okay to feel anxious, sad and restless these days! It might point you to some corners of your mind and psyche that need working on. If you are a human anywhere on this planet you feel the unsettled feelings rising from the pandemic, racial injustice, economic disparity, fear of societal disorder, and dysfunctional leadership. All these are also encoded in our epigenetics through our collective evolution. I do believe the strong emotions we are feeling have some roots in our biological awakening of the encoded fears from the recent and remote past. The hope is that we are not passive victims to our biology.  It takes effort, dialogue, forgiveness, social adjustments, and deep self evaluation to overcome these barriers. If the level of anxiety and depression is rising to unacceptable levels or danger signs of inability to care for oneself emerge, then seeking professional help is in order. A comprehensive biopsychosocial and spiritual check up is what we all need now...

With ADHD therapy, one size doesn't fit all!
With ADHD therapy, one size doesn't fit all!
5 years ago

I saw the young man for the first time last month. He could not sit still for more than a few seconds and was constantly fidgeting. His life was a classic example of setbacks and unfulfilled dreams...

Is ADHD in Adults considered a Mental Illness?
Is ADHD in Adults considered a Mental Illness?
2 years ago

Over the years I have found it more useful to limit the term mental illness to severe psychiatric...

ADHD in Marriage and Relationships
ADHD in Marriage and Relationships
4 years ago

By the time we are adults the condition we call ADHD in children morphs into a particular style of living and relating that the term itself does not imply at all. What was formerly a childhood lack...